The catalogue h. English Pages [] Year DOWNLOAD FILE. There can be no doubt that most of the thinkers who are usually associated with the existentialist tradition, whatever t. This volume features articles which employ source-work research to trace Kierkegaard's understanding and use of aut. In recent years interest in the thought of Kierkegaard has grown dramatically, and with it the body of secondary literat. The long tradition of Kierkegaard studies has made it impossible for individual scholars to have a complete overview of. Table of contents : Cover Half Title Title Page Copyright Page Table of Contents Preface Acknowledgments List of Abbreviations Main Collection Appendix I Appendix II U-Collection Index. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilised in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publishers. Notice: Product or corporate names may be trademarks or registered trademarks, and are used only for identification and explanation without intent to infringe. The catalogue has long served as one of the most valuable tools in Kierkegaard studies and has been actively used by commentators, translators, and researchers. The present volume represents the fourth printing of the catalogue, and it differs from Sextreff Trøndelag Svenske Noveller predecessors in many respects. The previous editions contained incomplete, erroneous, and inconsistent bibliographical information about the works in the catalogue. One of the most serious flaws with the previous editions was the fact that it was impossible for the previous editors to get hold of copies of all the books and check Sextreff Trøndelag Svenske Noveller bibliographical information first-hand. The present edition is the first attempt to create the auction catalogue in the digital age. There are today numerous online resources that were not available to the editors of the previous editions. The primary goal of the present edition was to get hold of all of the books and check the title pages for the precise bibliographical information. This has proven a meticulous task that has involved the work of many people. The Original Edition of the Auction Catalogue As is well known, Kierkegaard was an avid reader and book collector. A catalogue of the works to be sold was prepared by one J. The catalogue was apparently done in some haste and contains a number of errors. The catalogue was published in copies on occasion of the auction as Fortegnelse over Dr. Sören A. Kierkegaards efterladte Bogsamling or Catalogue of Dr. The main catalogue contains Sextreff Trøndelag Svenske Noveller, numbers representing individual works or editions. The first appendix contains numbers and the second According to this view, then the two appendices are meaningless for Kierkegaard studies since they were not a part of his library. This would seem to imply that these represent different collections, since it is improbable that Kierkegaard would keep two copies of the same work. Aage Kabell, Kierkegaardstudiet i Norden, copenhagen: h. Preface ix the main catalogue itself. The auction catalogue conveys a picture of a meticulously organized library. The Early Research by the turn of the twentieth century scholars were attentive to the value of the catalogue for research purposes. He recounts who was present at the auction and who purchased which works. If one counters that these were just diverse works that were forgotten and had to be added without any special order, then these could have been included at the end of the main collection where there does seem to be a small group of works like this nos.
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